From playing Bhiku Mhatre in Satya to delving into the crime world as Joy Bag in Despatch, Manoj Bajpayee has nailed the Mumbaikar onscreen more than once. However, despite living in Mumbai for 3 decades, he still doesn't feel at home here. On the latest episode of Mid-day’s podcast series The Bombay Film Story, Manoj, who has set an example of how an outsider can survive in the industry despite various challenges, speaks about his relationship with the city.
08 January,2025 12:00 AM ISTSeasoned actor Manoj Bajpayee who is gearing up for the release of his film 'Bhaiyya Ji' recalled his first meeting with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan in this old interview with Mayank Shekhar on Sit With Hitlist. Bajpayee trained under Barry John and his company Theatre Action Group (TAG), to secure a place in Delhi's National School of Drama — that ultimately rejected him four years in a row. It's at TAG that he first met Khan: "No matter how talented we were, girls always flocked to Shah Rukh." Nothing's changed. "Shah Rukh, along with Divya Seth, Jeeturaj, were English theatre actors, from privileged backgrounds in South Delhi," Bajpayee said. Watch the video for more.