Rani Mukerji hosted a spectacular Diwali bash that brought together some of Bollywood’s most illustrious stars. The evening was a glittering affair, with beloved couples like Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra, Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani, and Chunky and Bhavna Panday in attendance. Yet, the real showstoppers were Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda, who arrived together, stirring up excitement with their rumoured romance. Suhana dazzled in a stunning golden saree that captured the light, while Agastya looked dapper in a classic black sherwani. The guest list also featured a mix of talent, including Siddhant Chaturvedi, Bhumi Pednekar, Sunny Kaushal, and Sonam Bajwa.
02 November,2024 03:09 PM ISTDive into the heart of the blockbuster release, Fighter, as director Siddharth Anand addresses criticism against the trailer and the perception of jingoism. Get an insider's perspective on Hrithik Roshan's "India Occupied Pakistan" dialogue and his powerful experience donning the Indian Air Force uniform. Hear Anil Kapoor lavish praise on his first-time co-stars Hrithik and Deepika Padukone. Don't miss this insightful conversation with the stars of the most anticipated films released on Republic Day this year!
25 January,2024 07:05 PM ISTPathaan has hit the silver screens today. Meanwhile, a special screening for bollywood celebs was organised a day before the movie’s release. John Abharam, Gauri Khan, Siddhart Anand and other bollywood celebs were seen attending the realse. Fans have received the movie with excitement. Given the enthusiastic response of movie-goers in advance booking, industry experts are confident that Shah Rukh Khan-starrer "Pathan" will open somewhere between Rs 45 to 50 crore at the box office.
25 January,2023 04:00 PM ISTSiddharth Anand, the director of Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra starrer film 'Anjaana Anjaani' speaks about the film
02 September,2010 12:00 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT