Bollywood superstar Ajay Devgn graced the trailer launch of the much-awaited historical drama 'Azaad,' joined by main leads Aaman Devgan, Rasha Thadani, and Diana Penty with director Abhishek Kapoor and producers Ronnie Screwvala & Pragya Kapoor. During the star-studded event, Ajay Devgn shared that the film is special to him for several reasons, including the launch of two talented newcomers: Rasha Thadani, the daughter of his colleague and friend, and Amaan, whom he considers like a son. He praised both actors for their impressive work in the film. The 'Singham Again' star highlighted Kapoor's patience and ability to nurture newcomers, noting that the new actors in the film.
06 January,2025 05:37 PM ISTSam Bahadur Teaser Launch: Sam Bahadur's teaser starring Vicky Kaushal, Sanya Malhotra, and Fatima Sana Shaikh released on October 13. It is a biopic of India’s First Field marshall and military might, Sam Manekshaw. The teaser launch event for the film was attended by its makers including director Meghna Gulzar, Vicky Kaushal, Sanya Malhotra, and Fatima Sana Shaikh and producer Ronnie Screwvala. Vicky Kaushal, finds himself to be fortunate as an actor to be able to play historic characters in movies like Raazi, Sardar Udham, and Sam Bahadur. He mentioned that director Meghna Gulzar lets an actor get into the soul of the character of her movie. Sanya Malhotra talked about how it was an easy yes for her to say to director Meghna for this role and how she always makes a conscious decision before saying yes to a movie. On the other hand, Fatima talked about how she isn't someone who has read a lot but understands the importance of playing the role of personalities like Indira Gandhi and how Meghna is a tick to her list of directors she wished to work with.
13 October,2023 06:11 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT