Veteran Bollywood actresses Padmini Kolhapure and Poonam Dhillon organised a musical tribute to Raj Kapoor on his centenary birth anniversary, sharing personal stories about the legendary actor and his lasting influence on the film industry. Poonam Dhillon highlighted the industry's collective effort to celebrate Raj Kapoor and mentioned how Padmini Kolhapure even encouraged her family, including niece Shraddha Kapoor, to join in the tribute. They also spoke about the Kapoor family's support for the event and recalled Kapoor's recent visit with PM Narendra Modi, where the Prime Minister discussed promoting Indian cinema in the way Raj Kapoor had. When asked if anyone today could match his legacy, both actresses agreed that no one could replace or replicate the legendary Raj Kapoor.
13 December,2024 07:22 PM ISTDebutant Paloma Dhillon spoke about her relationship with her mother in a candid conversation with Both Poonam and Paloma Dhillon spoke extreme love and how they are very demonstrative as a family. Poonam mentioned how she saw a spark of acting in her daughter when she was a child. Paloma recently made her debut with Rajshri Production film 'Dono'. Paloma as a child used to make a lot of card for her mother which has now changed to painintgs. Paloma even revealed that she wanted to become a professional football player. Watch the full video for more insights!
16 November,2023 07:00 PM ISTSunny Deol’s son Rajveer Deol and Poonam Dhillon’s daughter Paloma's debut film 'Dono' releases today. It is directed by debutante director Avnish Barjatya, son of filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya. A screening of the movie was held on October 5 in Mumbai which was attended by many Bollywood celebrities. From Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Anupam Kher to Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Jackie Shroff, Shriya Saran and Alka Yagnik, the screening was a star-studded affair. While Salman opted for an all-black outfit, Aamir Khan graced the event in an uber-cool look. Bobby chose a white tee and black trousers. Aamir Khan talked about being a big fan of Sooraj Barjatya. All the stars who attended the screening wished good luck to the debutantes.
06 October,2023 11:55 AM ISTThe upcoming film 'Dono,' slated for release on October 5, features the debut performances of Rajveer Deol, son of Sunny Deol, and Paloma Dhillon, daughter of actor Poonam Dhillon. The film, directed by Avnish Barjatya, son of renowned filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, is currently in the midst of its promotional activities. In an exclusive conversation, Rajveer Deol, Paloma, and Director Avnish shed light on the movie and shared insights into their families' reactions upon learning about the casting of the young duo. 'Dono' is poised to be a contemporary narrative that explores themes of romance, relationships, and matters of the heart. Watch the full video for more!
22 September,2023 12:45 PM ISTLegendary singer-composer Bappi Lahiri passed away on February 15. His death came as a shock to the entire nation as Bappi da was loved by everyone. Bappi Lahiri's family held a prayer meeting in his remembrance today, February 23, in Juhu, Mumbai. Bollywood celebs Poonam Dhillon, Padmini Kolhapure, singer Alka Yagnik and the late singer’s family attended the prayer meet.
06 February,2023 05:30 PM IST | MumbaiThe red-carpet screening of the upcoming film Ardh starring the actor who has one of the best comic timings, Rajpal Yadav, and one of the most well-known television actresses Rubina Dilaik was held in the suburbs of Mumbai yesterday night.
08 June,2022 09:01 PM IST | mumbaiHema Malini, Poonam Dhillon, Subhash Ghai and Kailash Kher wish their fans a very Happy Diwali
07 November,2010 12:00 PM ISTPoonam Dhillon at Punjabi Food Festival
04 November,2011 03:16 PM ISTPoonam Dhillon Praises Neeta Lulla's New Collection
21 January,2012 02:44 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT