Arvind Kejriwal, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief, announced the launch of the ‘Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana’ on 30th December. This new scheme will provide a monthly honorarium of approximately Rs 18,000 to the priests (Pujaris) of temples and the granthis of Gurudwaras. The announcement comes ahead of Delhi's upcoming Assembly elections, scheduled for early 2025. The scheme's registration will begin the following day, and Kejriwal will personally visit Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place to kick off the registration process. This announcement follows a controversy over AAP's ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’, which promises Rs 2,100 per month to eligible women.
30 December,2024 05:10 PM ISTFormer Prime Minister Manmohan Singh passed away on Thursday night, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi. Singh, 92, was brought to the emergency department in the evening in a critical condition after "sudden loss of consciousness", AIIMS said. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and his predecessors Sonia and Rahul Gandhi rushed to AIIMS after learning about his condition. Congress lawmaker Priyanka Gandhi Vadra also reached AIIMS on Thursday evening. Rahul Gandhi and Kharge were to attend a rally in Karnataka, which was later cancelled. "Humble Origin, Respected Economist" PM Modi grieves Manmohan Singh's demise.
27 December,2024 10:05 AM ISTFormer cricketer Vinod Kambli, showing great determination from his hospital bed, expressed his gratitude towards Sachin Tendulkar for his support. Despite facing health struggles, Kambli remained positive and confident, saying, "We’re champions." His words reflected his strong spirit, as he acknowledged the challenges ahead but remained hopeful about overcoming them. Kambli's message was filled with appreciation for his former teammate's help and encouragement during this difficult time. Watch the video for more information.
24 December,2024 04:18 PM ISTIsrael's Defence Minister, Israel Katz, recently claimed responsibility for the assassination of former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed in Tehran on July 30. Haniyeh, a key figure in Hamas and a major diplomatic face of the group, was in Tehran for the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s new president. His death was initially blamed on Israel by Iran, but Israel had not confirmed it until now. Haniyeh played a significant role in strengthening Hamas' military capabilities, especially through ties with Iran. Earlier, Israel airstrikes killed three of his sons in April. Israeli forces have targeted top leaders from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi groups during the ongoing Middle East conflict.
24 December,2024 04:03 PM ISTIn a dramatic incident at Hotel Vivanta in Virar East on Wednesday morning, BJP National General Secretary Vinod Tawde was allegedly found with cash, sparking a heated confrontation with Bahujan Vikas Aghadi (BVA) supporters. The altercation occurred more than 17 hours after the Maharashtra Assembly election campaign had ended, with BVA activists accusing Tawde of attempting to bribe voters by distributing ₹5 crore to their candidate, Rajan Naik. BVA supporters, led by Hitendra Thakur, stormed the hotel, throwing cash at Tawde and disrupting a meeting he was having with BJP candidate Naik. The incident quickly escalated, with police arriving at the scene to escort Tawde away. Despite the claims of the BVA, which included allegations of a ₹5 crore transaction found in a diary by MLA Kshitij Thakur, no evidence of money distribution was found during a search of Tawde's vehicle. BJP officials denied the accusations, claiming the BVA was attempting to fabricate a false narrative. Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut also commented on the controversy, stating that the Election Commission should have handled the situation, not the Thakur family. The incident has drawn widespread attention, with tensions running high in the region as local police continue to monitor the situation.
19 November,2024 03:21 PM ISTOn October 28, Prime Minister Narendra Modi honored the memory of Ratan Tata in Vadodara, Gujarat. Ratan Tata, a well-known business leader and philanthropist, passed away on October 9. He was the chairman of Tata Group and Tata Sons from 1991 to 2012 and took on the role of interim chairman again from October 2016 to February 2017. Ratan Tata was respected for his contributions to Indian industry and his charitable work. He played a significant role in growing the Tata Group into a global business. Modi’s tribute highlights the impact Ratan Tata had on both the economy and society, remembering him as a great leader and a caring individual.
28 October,2024 04:48 PM ISTFormer Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique was shot and killed in an attack on October 12, orchestrated by the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Baba Siddique had deep-rooted connections with Bollywood, cultivated over many years. It was his connection to actor Sunil Dutt that helped Siddique at the beginning of his political career. He was well-known for hosting extravagant Iftar parties attended by who's who of Bollywood. In the year 2013, Baba Siddique played a crucial role as a peacemaker between the once-feuding superstars Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. Here's a look at Baba Siddique's bond with Salman Khan and other Bollywood stars.
14 October,2024 05:02 PM ISTIn this touching tribute, Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani reflects on the immense loss of Ratan Tata, a visionary leader and beloved friend. He shares personal anecdotes highlighting Ratan Tata's humility, kindness, and empathy, not just as an industrialist but as a remarkable human being. From his deep commitment to charity to his tender care for animals, Ratan Tata's legacy continues to inspire. Join us in honoring a great leader whose impact will forever resonate in the hearts of many.
10 October,2024 03:55 PM ISTAs Mumbai comes together to honor the legacy of Ratan Tata, a long queue forms outside the NCPA, filled with celebrities and everyday Mumbaikars eager to pay their respects. In a poignant scene, a separate line for employees showcases the deep impact Ratan Tata had on those who worked alongside him.
10 October,2024 03:51 PM ISTReliance Foundation founder Nita Ambani honoured India's Olympic and Paralympic athletes at an event named 'United in Triumph.' The gathering, held at her residence, brought together 140 athletes and sports personalities to celebrate their achievements. Ambani emphasised unity and inclusiveness in sports, aiming to make 'United We Triumph' a movement. Many prominent celebrities and athletes, including Ranveer Singh, Kartik Aaryan, Meezaan Jafri, Sania Mirza, and Neeraj Chopra, attended the event.
30 September,2024 05:49 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT