At the trailer launch press conference of Azaad, Ajay Devgn discussed the film's making and how he motivated the team. When asked about her first memory of meeting Ajay, Rasha Thadani, recalling her childhood, mentioned she didn’t remember much but was struck by his aura. Aaman Devgan shared that his inspiration for pursuing acting came from the film 'The Legends of Bhagat Singh.' Ajay also shared a memorable story involving a horse on set. The event's highlight was when the real-life horse, which plays 'Azaad' in the movie, joined the stage, and Ajay called his son, Yug, to complete the picture with the horse.
06 January,2025 07:20 PM ISTBollywood superstar Ajay Devgn graced the trailer launch of the much-awaited historical drama 'Azaad,' joined by main leads Aaman Devgan, Rasha Thadani, and Diana Penty with director Abhishek Kapoor and producers Ronnie Screwvala & Pragya Kapoor. During the star-studded event, Ajay Devgn shared that the film is special to him for several reasons, including the launch of two talented newcomers: Rasha Thadani, the daughter of his colleague and friend, and Amaan, whom he considers like a son. He praised both actors for their impressive work in the film. The 'Singham Again' star highlighted Kapoor's patience and ability to nurture newcomers, noting that the new actors in the film.
06 January,2025 05:37 PM ISTThe team of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui actress Vaani Kapoor and director Abhishek Kapoor tell us all about their love for Mumbai!
24 December,2021 07:26 PM ISTThe team of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui actress Vaani Kapoor and director Abhishek Kapoor tell us all about their love for Mumbai!
24 December,2021 11:16 AM IST | MumbaiAyushmann Khurrana and Vaani Kapoor are on cloud nine as their first theatrical release post the pandemic has received an overwhelming response from the audience. The actors along with Hrithik Roshan, Abhishek Kapoor, Pragya Kapoor, Bhushan Kumar and other cast & crew of the film celebrated the success of the film in Mumbai last night.
18 December,2021 01:44 PM IST | MumbaiThe team of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui actress Vaani Kapoor and director Abhishek Kapoor speak about addressing a sensitive subject with Vaani playing a trans woman in the film, Abhishek speaks about the research that went into the role, while the actress also spills the beans on her fitness secrets.
15 December,2021 08:47 PM IST | MumbaiAs Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui hits the theatre, here are first few reactions from the people who saw the movie on Friday. Abhishek Kapoor's film is a modern-day love story that will feature Ayushmann Khurrana portraying the role of a cross-functional athlete, while Vaani Kapoor will reportedly essay a transgender character
10 December,2021 10:45 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT