Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj and AAP MP Sanjay Singh went to the Chief Minister's residence, where police had set up barricades and deployed heavy security. When they were stopped from entering, both leaders had a heated argument with the police officers. This incident followed Sanjay Singh's challenge to the BJP the day before, urging them to visit the CM's residence with media personnel. This challenge came amid the BJP's accusations, referring to the CM’s residence as a "sheesh mahal" (palace of mirrors), which has sparked controversy. The situation has drawn attention due to the tensions between AAP and BJP over this issue.
08 January,2025 05:45 PM ISTAAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his speech, stating, "Today, the PM spoke for 30 minutes, continuously abusing the people of Delhi and its elected government. It was disheartening to listen to." Kejriwal also reminded the PM of the promise made in 2020, saying, "The people of Delhi are still waiting for that promise to be fulfilled." He further added, "Those who blame AAP continue to fight, but today's inauguration demonstrates that AAP works solely for the people of Delhi. Our top leadership was sent to jail, yet the injustices we faced were ignored. Had they been addressed, these projects would not have been inaugurated today."
06 January,2025 12:39 PM ISTArvind Kejriwal, leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), led a delegation to the Election Commission on Wednesday, accusing the BJP of a large-scale plan to delete voters' names in Delhi before the upcoming Assembly elections. Speaking to the media, Kejriwal claimed they had submitted 3,000 pages of evidence showing that the BJP was removing the names of many residents, especially from poor, Scheduled Castes, and Dalit communities, particularly those living in slums. Kejriwal emphasized that for a common person, every vote is important as it represents their citizenship. The AAP demanded action from the Election Commission to prevent this alleged voter deletion.
12 December,2024 10:05 AM ISTBJP spokesperson Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi criticized the AAP government in Punjab, saying that since they came to power, the state's economic and law and order situations have worsened. He pointed out that crime rates, including murders, are at a high, and criminals feel more empowered. He also highlighted the recent shooting at the Golden Temple and the attack on former CM Sukhbir Singh Badal as signs of how bad the situation has become. Trivedi attributed this to internal conflicts within the AAP government between the unofficial and official CM. He also noted a significant drop in investment in Punjab, from Rs 23,000 crore in 2021-22 to just Rs 3,000 crore last year.
04 December,2024 03:45 PM ISTAAP leader Avadh Ojha shared why he joined the Aam Aadmi Party. In an interview, he explained that the main reason for his decision was the promise made to him by the party. He said they assured him that AAP was focused on improving education and wanted his help in this mission. Ojha recalled their exact words: "We want to work on education, to keep the focus on its development. We want you to join us in this journey." These words had a deep impact on him, and that’s when he decided to become part of the Aam Aadmi Party. He felt motivated by the party’s commitment to education and development.
04 December,2024 12:19 PM ISTOn November 30, Delhi Police Crime Branch arrested AAP MLA Naresh Balyan in connection with an alleged extortion case from the previous year. Officials stated that the arrest followed an investigation that uncovered an audio clip in which Balyan appeared to discuss collecting ransom with gangster Kapil Sangwan. Balyan is currently being interrogated, and the investigation is ongoing. His lawyer, Advocate Sujan Singh, accused the police of withholding official information about his client's arrest and denying him access to meet Balyan. Singh also alleged that the police gave inconsistent statements regarding Balyan's detention and refused to provide an FIR or any updates on his case.
01 December,2024 10:35 AM ISTDelhi BJP leaders, including the party's state president, along with several workers, were detained by the police during a protest near the residence of AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal. The protest was organized by the BJP in response to the ongoing controversy over the 'Sheesh Mahal' (Glass Palace). The protesters raised concerns about the alleged misuse of public funds for the construction of the building, which has become a point of contention between the two parties. As the protest escalated, police intervened and detained the BJP leaders and workers, leading to tensions in the area. The incident highlights the ongoing political feud between the AAP and BJP in the capital.
21 November,2024 02:52 PM ISTAAP Convener Arvind Kejriwal, along with his wife Sunita Kejriwal, visited the famous Tirupati Temple in Andhra Pradesh on November 14. The temple is one of the most revered pilgrimage sites for Hindus and holds great historical and spiritual importance. It is dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is believed to reside there in the current age of Kali Yuga. The temple attracts millions of devotees every year due to its significance in Hindu mythology. During their visit, Kejriwal and his wife offered prayers and participated in the temple's rituals. The Tirupati Temple is known for its rich tradition, cultural heritage, and devotion that draws people from across India and beyond.
14 November,2024 11:15 AM ISTA 43-year-old, Aam Admi Party (AAP) leader Atishi took oath as Chief Minister of Delhi at Raj Niwas on September 21. Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena administered the oath to Atishi and her Council of Ministers. AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal and other senior leaders of the party attended the swearing-in ceremony. Atishi is the 3rd woman Chief Minister of Delhi after Sushma Swaraj, Sheila Dikshit.
21 September,2024 10:36 PM ISTOn September 15, Arvind Kejriwal announced his intention to resign as Delhi Chief Minister in two days, sparking varied reactions from BJP leaders. BJP spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari dismissed the move as a 'PR stunt' aimed at revamping Kejriwal’s image. Harish Khurana questioned the delay, asking why Kejriwal wouldn’t resign immediately if he truly intended to step down. Meanwhile, Manjinder Singh Sirsa alleged that Kejriwal’s resignation was a ploy to install his wife as the next Delhi CM. Shazia Ilmi, on the other hand, described Kejriwal as a master of political maneuvering, highlighting the strategic nature of his announcement. Watch the video for more.
16 September,2024 10:30 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT