The turtles, often sought after for their ornamental value, were discovered in the luggage of two passengers who had arrived on a private flight from Malaysia
5,400 red-eared slider turtles
Customs officials at Chennai International Airport seized approximately 5,400 red-eared slider turtles late on Thursday. The turtles were illegally smuggled in from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
"The turtles, often sought after for their ornamental value, were discovered in the luggage of two passengers who had arrived on a private flight from Malaysia," a customs official said.
"The passengers, identified as Ramesh Akash and Tamim Ansari Mohammed Rafique, both residents of Chennai, had returned from a trip to Malaysia and were under suspicion. During a thorough inspection of their luggage, we found a large number of live red-eared slider turtles packed in cardboard boxes. Both individuals have been arrested," the official added.
"The 5,400 red-eared slider turtles, typically found in colder regions like Thailand, Malaysia, and parts of Europe, are often kept as ornamental pets in large private estates and decorative tanks. Additionally, these turtles are believed to possess medicinal properties, which has further fueled their illegal trade," said another senior customs officer.