Trains leaving Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) between 9.34 am and 3.03 pm will be diverted to the Down Slow line. These trains will halt at Kalva, Mumbra, and Diva stations in addition to their regular stops, resulting in a 10-minute delay in arrival
Representational pic
The Central Railway has announced a Mega Block on the Mumbai Division for engineering and maintenance work on Sunday. The block, which is a part of regular maintenance to ensure the safety and upkeep of the infrastructure, will affect several Mumbai local trains across various routes. The full list of the services affected from the block are given below.
Up and Down Fast Lines between Thane and Kalyan
The the fast lines between Thane and Kalyan stations will be affected from 10.40 am to 3.40 pm.
Down Fast/Semi-Fast Local Services: Trains leaving Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) between 9.34 am and 3.03 pm will be diverted to the Down Slow line. These trains will halt at Kalva, Mumbra, and Diva stations in addition to their regular stops, resulting in a 10-minute delay in arrival.
Up Fast/Semi-Fast Services: Trains leaving Kalyan between 10.28 am and 3.40 pm will be diverted to the Up Slow line. These trains will halt at Diva, Mumbra, and Kalva stations in addition to their regular stops and will be re-diverted to the Up Fast line at Mulund, arriving 10 minutes later than their scheduled times.
Mail/express trains
Down Mail/Express Trains: Trains leaving CSMT or Dadar will be diverted to the 5th line between Thane and Kalyan.
Up Mail/Express Trains: Trains arriving at CSMT or Dadar will be diverted to the 6th line between Kalyan and Thane/Vikhroli.
Trans-Harbour line
From 11.10 am to 4.10 pm, services on the Up and Down Trans-Harbour Lines between Thane and Vashi/Nerul will be suspended.
Up Trans-Harbour Line Services: Trains from Panvel, Nerul, and Vashi towards Thane, leaving Vashi at 10.25 am and continuing until 4.09 pm, will remain suspended.
Down Trans-Harbour Line Services: Trains leaving Thane from 10.35 am to 4.07 pm towards Vashi, Nerul, and Panvel will also be suspended.
The Central Railway has requested passengers to plan their travel according to the diversions and delays.
CR to operate special traffic and power blocks between Ambarnath and Vangani
Central Railway's Mumbai Division has announced special traffic and power blocks between Ambarnath and Vangani on the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday. The block will take place from 1.30 am to 3 am to facilitate the launching of new foot overbridge (FOB) girders as part of infrastructure upgrades.
Both Up and Down lines between Ambarnath (excluding crossovers and sidings) and Vangani (excluding crossovers) will be affected during the block.
During the block, the Central Railway will underake the installation of 12-metre-wide FOB girders (seven pieces) at Badlapur (on the Kalyan-end FOB) and four-metre-wide FOB girders (four pieces) at the Badlapur-Vangani FOB mid-section.
Impact on train services
- Train No 11020 (Bhubaneshwar-CSMT Konark Express) will be diverted via Karjat-Panvel and will make a halt at Panvel.
- CSMT-Karjat local departing CSMT at 12:12 am will be short-terminated at Ambarnath station.
- CSMT-Badlapur local departing CSMT at 11:51 pm will be short-terminated at Ambarnath station.
- Parel-Ambarnath local leaving Parel at 11:13 pm will be extended to Badlapur station.
- Karjat-CSMT local departing Karjat at 2.30 am will originate from Ambarnath instead of Karjat.
- The last local train for Karjat before the block will depart from CSMT at 11.51 pm and reach Karjat at 1.49 am.
- The first local train for CSMT after the block will depart from Karjat at 3.35 am and reach CSMT at 5.56 am.