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National Nutrition Week: Master calorie count for mindful eating with this expert guide


Updated on: 01 September,2023 01:37 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Ainie Rizvi |

The crux of managing your weight lies in either curbing your calorie consumption or adhering to a targeted calorie goal. With this practical guide, you can adopt a calorie-conscious regime while being aware of what you eat

National Nutrition Week: Master calorie count for mindful eating with this expert guide

This nutrition approach involves tallying the calorie count in each serving of the foods you consume, aiding in the arrangement of your meal plans. Image Courtesy: iStock

‘We are what we eat’ said Ludwig Feuerbach – a German philosopher, in 1848. His words echo the profound influence nutrition has on the mind and body. Thus, analysing the science behind food consumption becomes imperative – as it empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their dietary choices.

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