Studies suggest that a woman's partner can help decrease her PMS symptoms. But do men really know how to deal with their sweetheart during that time of the month?
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PMS is a very common condition that affects more than 90 per cent of menstruating women. It has a wide variety of symptoms for a couple of days before the menstrual cycle and makes a woman go through turmoil emotionally, physically as it also impacts behaviour. The signs and symptoms include mood swings, food cravings, fatigue, aggression and depression, etc.
Studies suggest that a woman's partner can help decrease PMS symptoms. But do men really know how to deal with their sweetheart during that time of the month? If you don't, experts at Power Gummies share pointers on helping out:
Be mindful of her feelings
We know a relationship is 50-50, but during her periods it would be great if you give a 100 per cent from your side. The mood swings your woman experiences isn't her fault, it's the hormones! So try to keep the tough love low key and avoid doing things that tickle or spoil her mood. Just try to make her happy by showcasing your best side, it's only for a few days.
Treat her to the food of her liking
Honestly, there isn't a right time than her periods to shower her with all the affection you have always wanted to. We know men are a little introverted when it comes to expressing their feelings but her periods are here and you got this man! Spoil her with chocolates, pizza, chips, a movie date at home. Ask her what she wants to eat for the next meal, cook and feed her. Show the love you have always wanted too!
Pamper her in simple ways
Small things can make her smile and help lift her mood. Pamper her like settling her bed before sleep, offering her hot water bottles to soothe her cramps, book a foot spa or a pedicure, manicure session. Anything which can make her feel relaxed during this period. A woman appreciates the small efforts you put in for her and yeah some chocolates too.
Explore supplements for her wellbeing
There are pills available in the market that can help ease PMS symptoms. Try gifting her tasty supplements like That Time Of The Month by Power Gummies that come in cute rabbit-shaped gummies and are infused with ingredients that help deal with majority of PMS symptoms. It comes in strawberry flavour and will help alleviate painful symptoms.