Nam Joo Hyuk's upcoming Netflix K-drama East Palace faces an unprecedented obstacle. The series also stars Roh Yoon Seo, and Seung Woo Cho in main roles
A fire broke out at the set of K-Drama series East Palace (pic/Instagram)
Netflix's Korean drama series East Palace (filming title) faced an unprecedented challenge as a fire broke out at the shooting location. The confirmed cast of the series was announced a few days ago. The streaming giant, Netflix, announced the cast of East Palace which confirmed the entry of Nam Joo Hyuk (Twenty-Five Twenty-One fame), Roh Yoon Seo (Crash Course in Romance fame), and Seung Woo Cho (Divorce Attorney Shin fame).
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Fire breaks out on the set of Netflix's series East Palace
It was reported that around 2:08 am KST, a fire broke out at the Netflix show’s filming location in Misan-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. The fire department issued a Level 1 response to the abrupt fire breakout. Thankfully, firefighters came to the rescue and the day was saved as the burning set was controlled within two hours. The damage control required equipment from three to seven fire stations. The news went viral immediately and started doing rounds on social media.
넷플릭스 드라마 ‘동궁’ 연천군 세트장 화재로 전소
— 취향 (@loverdramas) December 21, 2024
소방 당국은 대응 1단계를 발령하고 약 2시간 만에 진화 작업을 완료했다. 이 불로 3천655㎡ 규모 세트장 건물 1동과 조명기기 등이 불탔다. 불이 났을 당시 세트장에 사람이 없어 인명 피해는 없는 것으로 파악됐다.
Fortunately, no casualties or injuries were reported as neither the cast nor the crew was present when the accident took place. But, a 3,655 m-square set and some lighting equipment were burnt down. The reason for the accident is still unknown. Since the production is at an early stage, it should not impact the schedule and the series release as nothing related to that was announced.
Nam Joo Hyuk's first K-Drama after military service
This will be Nam Joo Hyuk's first K-Drama after completing his mandatory military service. He was released from his duties in September 2024. According to an official statement, Nam Joo Hyuk has special powers in the drama series. He “can traverse the world of ghosts and defeat them with his sword” as Gu Cheon. On the other hand, Roh Yoon Seo plays Saeng Gang, “a court lady born with the ability to hear ghosts,” and Cho Seung Woo portrays a complex King's character, “who quietly enlists these two extraordinary people to take care of the palace’s curse.”