The fourth edition of A Day on Ginny’s Planet has a lineup of inclusive events for children and adults alike
Shweta Verma and Jamal Siddique
What if we lived in a world where nobody feels like an odd-one-out and where being different is perfectly okay. That’s what Ginny’s Planet, a social enterprise founded in 2019, has been aiming to do. Their central concept is that of a doll, Ginny, a four-year-old with Radial Clubhand. She wears spectacles to see the world better, loves the rain, enjoys jumping in puddles, and playing football. Shweta Verma, co-founder and CEO of Ginny’s Planet, says, “On Ginny’s Planet, imperfections and being different are okay and everyone has opportunities to flourish. The aim is to simplify and trigger conversations on empathy, diversity and disability, especially with children but also with adults.”
A Day on Ginny’s Planet is their flagship event, which is in its fourth year now. It brings out the essence of what living in Ginny’s world would feel like. It brings diverse people together for learning, fun, and conversations on several themes through stories, art and craft, cooking, music, dance and sessions on mindfulness, minimalism, empathy, diversity and more. Jamal Siddique, co-founder, says, “It is an inclusive space where children and grownups participate as equals in the 30-60 minute-long sessions. Once you register for the main event, you can pick and choose the events you want to be in. This flagship event is a fundraiser for us to keep us moving towards our vision. Hence, all resource persons give their time free for this event. Many people also sponsor spots for our partner NGO members.”
This year’s theme is Being Different is Okay. There will be less of jargon and more of action and conversations so that participants can focus on who they are and accepting diversity, thus challenging the idea of perfections, exclusion and ridicule, while having fun. The event is for anyone above the age of four— grownups, persons with disabilities, students, and parents. So, if you are fond of art and craft, or want to know more about wheelchair sports, this is your space.
WHAT: A Day on Ginny’s Planet
WHEN: October 2 and 3
FOR: Rs 1,000 for all events