At times, we may have seen that parcels have not reached their destination, with the carrier then unavailable or simply going off the radar
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A representative from an online platform that offers a variety of services at home reportedly absconded with jewellery worth Rs 5 lakh from a house where he was scheduled to provide a shave and haircutting services through online booking. A complaint in this regard has been filed at Malad police station.
According to the FIR cited in our report, the service provider arrived at the residence and after he was done with the haircut and shave, he suggested a facial treatment. When the complainant agreed, the accused put various creams on his face and covered his eyes with a cloth, instructing him to keep them shut. It was then, the complainant said, that he believed a cupboard may have been opened and the theft occurred.
This shows the importance of keeping valuables under lock and key when admitting somebody into the house. Do double-check when the service provider arrives. Check the name and number and ask for identity proof so that it matches with what the service provider has stated about which staffer is going to arrive for the service. Keep full details of booking online so that these are handy in case one wishes to retrieve information.
There is huge convenience when it comes to online services, but there have been certain drawbacks, too. At times, we may have seen that parcels have not reached their destination, with the carrier then unavailable or simply going off the radar.
Housing societies with good, sharp CCTV surveillance are a great boon too, as they can get images of any outsiders entering and exiting the premises. To sum up, online amenities are here to stay in our zippy, convenience-centric times but they can have some downsides and we need to guard against or factor those in too.