A proposal for the addition and alteration of the existing residential building "Mannat" was discussed before the MCZMA last month
Shah Rukh Khan at his bungalow Mannat in Bandra. File Pic/Pallav Paliwal
The Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) has given a green signal to the proposal related to the addition and alteration of the existing residential building Mannat- the bungalow of Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
A proposal for the addition and alteration of the existing residential building "Mannat" was discussed before the MCZMA last month. According to news reports, Gauri Khan - the wife of Shah Rukh Khan has filed an application on November 9 with MCZMA asking for approval to add two additional floors to the annexe.
The minutes of the MCZMA meeting state, "The proposal to construct 02 additional floors i.e., the 7th & 8th Upper Residential floor having 01 No. of Duplex Residential Flats with the provision of an internal staircase above the existing 6th floor. The existing Low-rise building will now be comprised of 02 levels of basement + Ground floor + 1st to 8th upper Residential floors with a total height of 37.54 meters. As per D P Remarks of 2034, the plot under reference is situated in Residential zone and not reserved for any public purpose."
After deliberation, the Authority decided to recommend the proposal from the CRZ point of view under CRZ Notification, 2019 to concerned Planning Authority. The clearance has been given subject to compliance of some conditions.
It has been stated that the concerned Planning Authority shall ensure that the proposed construction is carried out strictly as per the provisions of CRZ Notification, 2019 (as amended from time to time) and guidelines/ clarifications given by MOEF&CC from time to time.
Instructions have also been made to make sure that the proposed construction is on the landward side of the existing road and within the limit of permissible FSI as per Town and Country planning regulations as on January 18, 2019, before issuing the commencement certificate to the project.
"Debris generated during the project activity should not be dumped in the CRZ area. It should be processed scientifically at a designated place, as per MSW Rules, 2016. The solid waste generated should be properly collected and segregated. Dry/ inert solid waste should be disposed of at the approved site for landfilling after recovering recyclable materials. Safe disposal of the wastewater should be ensured. All other required permission from different statutory authorities including Civil Aviation NOC or CCZM certificate, Fire NoC should be obtained before starting construction at the site shall be ensured by Urban Local Body." states the minutes of MCZMA meeting.