Explore some birds featured in Sushilkumar Agrawal's book, Endangered Parrots of the World—On Stamps, Coins, and Banknotes, which highlights the need for their conservation.
Published 1972
Lilian’s Lovebird (Agapornis lilianae) belongs to the Psittacidae family. Their existence is threatened by floods, trapping for trade, and poisoning. They’re also considered pests to agriculture.
Published 1965
Raven Parrot (Lophopsittacus mauritianus) is believed to have become extinct in the 1680s. Their poor flying skills made them vulnerable to rats, macaques and poachers.
Published 1991, 2022
The Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger) belongs to the Cacatuidae family and was labelled ‘near threatened’ in 2023.
Published 1982
Rimatara Lorikeet (Vini kuhlii) has been considered endangered since 2016. On this stamp, it’s called Scarlet Breasted Lorikeet instead.
Published 2001
The Saint Vincent Amazon (Amazona guildingii) is especially vulnerable since their life span is only around 30 years.
Published 2016
The endangered Sun Parakeet or Sun Conure (Aratinga solstitialis) belongs to the Psittacidae family.
Published 1996
The Palm Cockatoo incubates a single egg for 30 to 33 days. They do not fledge their nests for 100 days—the longest in parrot world.