The patient had hearing loss by birth and wasn't responding to sounds of claps, songs, toys, etc.
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In a medical achievement, a team of doctors in Navi Mumbai performed a successful cochlear implant surgery on a 2.5-year-old baby girl from Mahad, who had congenital profound hearing loss.
The patient, Anika (name changed), had hearing loss by birth. She wasn't responding to sounds of claps, toys, etc. Her parents consulted an audiologist, and BERA tests were performed at the age of 1. Due to the non-availability of facilities in Mahad and financial constraints, her treatment was delayed.
A team led by Dr. Rajendra Waghela, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Medicover Hospital, performed the surgery after ENT consultation, under the guidance of Dr Sanjiv Badhwar.
Dr Waghela said, “The baby was suffering from congenital hearing impairment. Despite being diagnosed with hearing loss before the age of one, the child could not undergo treatment earlier due to financial constraints. About 5-6/1000 children suffer from the problem of hearing loss. It is of great importance to screen all newborns for the OAE (Oto-Acoustic Emissions) test. If found abnormal, the problem is confirmed by BERA test/Auditory Brainstem Response (used to assess the function of the auditory nerve and auditory pathway).”
“This case highlights the transformative power of early diagnosis and timely intervention. Cochlear implants have revolutionised the lives of individuals with profound hearing loss,” he added.
Once the child was confirmed as a suitable candidate for cochlear implant surgery, she was thoroughly investigated and prepared for surgery. This surgery involves placing the cochlear implant in the inner ear which processes external sound, converting it into an electrical impulse that stimulates the nerves and thus sound can be heard.
Dr Waghela further said, “However, with this breakthrough procedure, she is set to undergo intensive AVT therapy (Auditory Verbal Training) to start hearing and learning to speak, as her hearing age is still like that of a 3-month-old child. This will enable her to lead a life like other children. The surgery, fully funded by an NGO, will bring her closer to normalcy.”
The child’s parents shared their emotional journey and said, “It was heartbreaking to see our little girl unable to recognise even the sound of claps, songs, whistles or toys. Watching her struggle to respond to the world around her was devastating. We felt helpless, knowing her future was at risk because she couldn’t hear or speak. But after the cochlear implant surgery, everything will change. We are so thankful to the team at Medicover Hospital and the generous NGO who made this possible. Now, we hope she can lead a normal, happy life.”
Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice.