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Do the Doodle! 3 apps to help you get creative

Updated on: 24 December,2016 11:28 AM IST  | 
Shraddha Uchil |

If you doodle during meetings or do it for a living, Shraddha Uchil lists three apps to help you get creative

Do the Doodle! 3 apps to help you get creative

Do the Doodle! 3 apps to help you get creative

Draw Something
Simply put, this app is Pictionary for your phone. If you like doodling for fun, put your skills to use by playing this game. Since it’s an online game, you could be playing with someone halfway across the world. You’re given a word, and you have to draw it for the other person to guess. And while you don’t have to be a professional artist, it wouldn’t hurt to know a little more than scrawling a measly stick figure.
Available On: Android and iOS devices

This app by Autodesk Inc is extremely versatile, and can be used by anyone, from the amateur to the pro. The interface is easy-to-use, yet packs in a full set of sketching tools, from a variety of pencils, pens and brushes to a colour wheel and even the ability to create symmetrical designs. You can also make in-app purchases to access advanced tools, more brushes, and layer support.
Available On: Android and iOS devices

Art Flow
The app appears to have a few features that even SketchBook lacks. For instance, the symmetry tool here can be used to move the symmetry points as well as rotate the design. It also has easy-to-access menus, with the ability to make adjustments like a breeze. However, this app too, though free, requires you to make in-app purchases in order to unlock more advanced features.
Available On: Android devices

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