Actor Nani, best known for working with S.S Rajamouli in Telugu revenge drama ace "Eega", says as a fan of the film he would like the sequel to be made. He believes the best person to take a call in this regard his Rajamouli himself
Chennai: Actor Nani, best known for working with S.S Rajamouli in Telugu revenge drama ace "Eega", says as a fan of the film he would like the sequel to be made. He believes the best person to take a call in this regard his Rajamouli himself.
"Even today, I keep reading reports on 'Eega 2'. As much as I wish it was true, there's no update yet on the project. Whenever I keep bumping into Rajamouli sir, I jokingly ask him about 'Eega 2'. As a fan of 'Eega', I want the sequel," Nani told IANS.
In the critically-acclaimed 2012 film, Nani returns as a fly to avenge his killers and protect his girlfriend.
"I die in the first part. Technically, I won't have a role in the sequel, but I still want it to be made. However, the decision to make the sequel completely rests with Rajamouli sir. I'm eagerly looking forward to it," he said.
Nani, whose latest film "Majnu" released in cinemas last week, is currently busy shooting for Telugu film, "Nenu Local".