At the trailer launch of `Loveyapa,` superstar Aamir Khan spoke emotionally about his deep connection to the film and his admiration for the late Sridevi, sharing regrets about never having worked with her. He highlighted her profound impact on him and expressed a wish that she was still around to witness the project. Aamir also discussed the movie`s theme. Junaid, the lead actor, revealed that he isn’t much of a phone user, despite the film`s focus on modern relationships. Khushi, his co-star, shared her experience working with Junaid, noting they are both shy and introverted. Junaid mentioned his initial uncertainty about the role when approached by producer Madhu Mantena and director Advait Chandan. Aamir also compared the personalities of Junaid and Khushi to his own and Sridevi’s, drawing parallels in their characteristics