Success seems to have gone to Anushka Sharma's head. The actress, along with other Bollywood divas, had gone for a fashion week in Delhi recently, where she threw a tantrum and how
Success seems to have gone to Anushka Sharma's head. The actress, along with other Bollywood divas, had gone for a fashion week in Delhi recently, where she threw a tantrum and how.
Says a source, "She was acting every inch the superstar. Something didn't match her standards, and Anushka flew off the handle with cuss words that made all the ears turn red.
People were surprised to see this brash and arrogant side of Anushka, as she was a reasonably polite person before Band Baaja Baraat hit the screens." Well Anushka, you seem to have taken the role of the aggressive Shruti Kakkar to heart!