Petitioner had filed two complaints with the Samta Nagar police station over theft, claimed probe went nowhere. Frustrated by the inaction, the woman’s mother moved the HC, further alleging that the PSI investigating the theft case sent a friend request to her daughter on Facebook instead of conducting a proper inquiry... [Read More]
10 January,2025 07:35 AM IST | Mumbai | A CorrespondentRobert Eggers` Nosferatu blends classic horror with modern gothic craft, paying tribute to the 1922 silent film while offering a fresh, atmospheric take on the genre... [Read More]
10 January,2025 07:34 AM IST | Mumbai | Mayank ShekharMandhana is leading the Indian team in the absence of Harmanpreet Kaur, who has been rested for the three-match ODI series against Ireland, along with pacer Renuka Thakur... [Read More]
10 January,2025 07:32 AM IST | New Delhi | PTIRescuer says abandoned animal, which attacked two, gets agitated upon seeing a stick. Natekar took the dog to a Mahim-based veterinarian on Wednesday after which some blood tests were conducted. “It seems that the dog was abandoned because it has health complications. I think that the dog is traumatised as every time it sees a person with a stick ... [Read More]
10 January,2025 07:31 AM IST | Mumbai | Ranjeet JadhavPriyanka Chopra supports Anuja, a short film about child labor, shortlisted for the Oscars. Meanwhile, Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor may reunite for a new love story... [Read More]
10 January,2025 07:28 AM IST | Mumbai | The Hitlist Team