The Sarpanch Parishad of Maharashtra on Tuesday held a protest demanding the arrest of those accused in the murder of Santosh Deshmukh, the Sarpanch of Massajog village in Beed, at Azad Maidan in Mumbai on Tuesday. Pics/Atul Kamble.
Updated On: 2025-01-07 06:07 PM IST
Compiled by : Jyoti Shukla
On Tuesday afternoon, sarpanches from all over the state came together to demand for the arrest of those accused in Beed Sarpanch murder case
One of the demands by the Sarpanch Parishad is to impose the MCOCA Act in the case. The Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) is a law that was enacted in 1999 to combat organised crime and terrorism in the state
Protesters gathered in huge number with posters, banners and placards of Deshmukh with “Give me justice” written on it
Several groups and individuals in Maharashtra have held protest and appealed for justice for Santosh Deshmukh
Recently, members of the Maratha community took out protest march in Maharashtra's Latur
The demands of the Maratha community include that the murder case be heard in a fast-track court, capital punishment for those behind the crime, government job for one member of Deshmukh's family and suspension of police officers who allegedly delayed registration of case or assisted the accused
In Beed, thousands of people gathered on Sunday to protest against the murder of Deshmukh including Mahayuti MLAs
Deshmukh, the sarpanch of Massajog village in Maharashtra’s Beed was kidnapped, tortured and murdered on December 9, 2024
Deshmukh had attempted to stop an extortion bid on an energy firm operating a windmill project in the area