12 August,2018 04:50 PM IST | Mumbai | Diwakar Sharma
Susheel Jangira
An unknown biker, said to be in his mid-20s, hurled abuses and smashed the rearview mirror of model Susheel Jangira's car in Andheri West on Saturday, allegedly after being splashed with rainwater when the car hit a puddle on a waterlogged road."
The incident took place around 3 pm when the 32-year-old was headed from her Lokhandwala residence to the IMPAA office in Andheri West. "A boy came on his two-wheeler and started banging on my car window... Petrified, I rolled down the window. He pointed to his wet jeans and came to attack me, so I hurriedly rolled up it back up. He, in a rage, then smashed the side rearview mirror," Jangira told mid-day, adding, "The lane was packed with people but no one came forward to help me.
The rearview mirror of model Susheel Jangira's car was smashed
Raising a question on women's safety in the city, Jangira said had any man been sitting next to her in the car, the biker would not have dared to do this. "What is our Mumbai Police doing to tackle such threats women face daily? I deserve to live safely. This is absolutely din-daahaade gundaagardi," she said.
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Jangira said that when she picked up her phone to call the police, the biker yelled "jaa kar le jo karna hai" and fled. The Amboli police have registered a non-cognisable offence. Senior inspector Bharat Gaikwad said, "The rearview mirror of her car was smashed. Officers talked to eyewitnesses and have come to know that the woman, too, abused the biker."
Also read: C Y Gopinath: Mumbai lives each day in road rage
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