Motorstorm Apocalypse is the third installment in the series. This time it takes place in an abandoned city where gangs of racers tear through a crumbling area at the mercy of meteorological mishaps
Single player/multiplayer
Rs 2,250
Motorstorm Apocalypse is the third installment in the series. This time it takes place in an abandoned city where gangs of racers tear through a crumbling area at the mercy of meteorological mishaps.
You would think the game would play out on the same level as the Need For Speed series, but it doesn't even come close. It took a really long loading time (almost a minute), which was the first major disappointment. The story mode is also dull, with slow 2D graphics and cut scenes.
The highlight? The racecourse keeps on changing. Your competitors can shove and push you to the side and the remaining inhabitants of the city will try to obstruct youu00a0 with missiles. The ramming feature works well, which makes battling with other vehicles tactical and fun. You have different vehicles and ranges to choose from. This game is good-looking, with admirably detailed graphics.
The controls are nice and simple: you've got a speed booster that can overheat and potentially explode your vehicle and you can cool it by driving through water, plus you can shunt to either side to fend off competitors.
You can play it in career mode or "Wreckreation" free-play mode for individual races.
Though it can be addictive for gamers who like destructive racing, for someone who's into real racing simulators, it can get monotonous after a point.
Quick Take
Graphics: Good
gameplay: Not so great
Worth it? Maybe
Final Rating: 3 out of 5