Ankle injury rules India's Chhetri out of friendly against Jordan

13 November,2018 09:15 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

Sunil Chhetri needs rest of around two weeks and proper rehabilitation after which he can get back to training, said Indian team's physiotherapist Gigy George

Sunil Chhetri

India's star striker Sunil Chhetri will miss the upcoming international friendly against Jordan due to an ankle injury that has ruled him out for at least two weeks. Chhetri suffered the injury during Bengaluru's Hero ISL match against Kerala Blasters on November 5.

"The BFC Medical Team have shared the MRI reports and medical assessments and we have scrutinised them thoroughly. Sunil needs rest of around two weeks and proper rehabilitation after which he can get back to training," said Indian team's physiotherapist Gigy George.

Shervin Sheriff, doctor of the Indian team, added: "He can't travel with this injury as it's a weight-bearing joint. He needs to have proper rest along with the rehab programme for a speedy recovery. We are closely monitoring the situation and following it up with the club medical team and Sunil himself."

The match against Jordan is slated to be played at the King Abdullah II Stadium in Amman on November 17. The Indian will depart for the game on November 15. India have been clubbed with hosts UAE, Thailand and Bahrain in the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019 and play their first match against Thailand in the Continental Championship on January 6, 2019.

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