Shivam Mavi hopes of becoming India’s strike bowler

05 January,2023 10:03 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

“My main agenda is to attack first in the powerplay as I always go for lbw bowled... whether the boundaries happen or not, my mindset is to get wickets,” said the Noida cricketer, who had been waiting for the India debut for the last six years

Shivam Mavi

Fresh from a hugely successful India debut, pacer Shivam Mavi has made his intention clear of becoming the country's strike bowler, saying he wants to take early wickets in powerplay by targetting the stumps.

"My main agenda is to attack first in the powerplay as I always go for lbw bowled... whether the boundaries happen or not, my mindset is to get wickets," said the Noida cricketer, who had been waiting for the India debut for the last six years.

Also Read: 1st T20I: Shivam Mavi claims four-fer on debut as India beat Sri Lanka by two runs in last-ball thriller

"After the Under-19 [World Cup in 2018] when I played in the IPL, I had injuries but I decided to level up my fitness because I was getting injured in between my performance. I decided to work hard on my fitness and it paid me back in this match," said Mavi.

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