Sylvester Stallone sexual assault case being reviewed

15 June,2018 08:17 AM IST |  Washington  |  ANI

An unnamed woman had filed a report with Santa Monica police in December, last year in which she claimed the incident occurred in 1990

Sylvester Stallone

Los Angeles prosecutors are reviewing a sexual assault case against legendary actor Sylvester Stallone. According to Variety, the District Attorney's office is reviewing the case, which was presented by the Santa Monica Police Department.

An unnamed woman had filed a report with Santa Monica police in December, last year in which she claimed the incident occurred in 1990. On Wednesday, the 'Rocky' star's lawyer Marty Singer said the woman's claim is 'absurd' and said that the 71-year-old has requested to file a police report alleging that the woman filed a false police report.

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