Sylvester Stallone returns to Philadelphia's Rocky statue

07 April,2018 02:08 PM IST |  Washington  |  IANS

Amidst ongoing filming for Creed 2 in Philadelphia, Stallone returned to the famous Rocky steps outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art to place a commemorative plaque and strike the classic arms-raised pose

Sylvester Stallone

Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone returned to Philadelphia's Rocky statue with a new plaque. Amidst ongoing filming for "Creed 2" in Philadelphia, Stallone returned to the famous "Rocky steps" outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art to place a commemorative plaque and strike the classic arms-raised pose, reports

"This is a dedication of a plaque that was made for the statue 12 years ago, but believe it or not, it had been missed placed (sic)," Stallone, who played the fictional character of boxer Rocky Balboa in "Rocky" movies, wrote in an Instagram post featuring a video of himself and Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney at the statue.

"Well, it was found and I want to thank the Mayor Jim Kenney and his staff, the Philadelphia Police Department, and of course the loyal fans that braved the cold. Keep punching, Philly."

The plaque contains a version of a quote from 2006 film "Rocky Balboa": "It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward - that's how winning is done." It is dedicated to "the great city of Philadelphia and brotherhood of its people".

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