
Building confident, resilient learners at Fazlani L’Académie Globale

Updated on: 16th October, 2024 04:30 PM

At Fazlani L’Académie Globale, we believe education is much more than academic success. We aim to nurture well-rounded individuals by focusing on three essential traits: a Wishbone (motivation), a Backbone (confidence), and a Funny Bone (humour). Here’s how we put these into action every day:

Wishbone: Cultivating Motivation Through a Growth Mindset

Our classrooms foster a growth mindset where students learn to embrace challenges.

We emphasise the power of “yet” to help students see that learning is a journey. We celebrate progress, not perfection, motivating them to believe in their potential. Our students are taught that every mistake is a step forward, not a setback.

For example, during a recent math class, one of our students struggled with a tricky problem. Instead of giving up, she said, “I can’t solve this yet.” She kept working at it with some encouragement from her teacher, and the look on her face when she finally cracked it was priceless!

Backbone: Building Confidence and


Developing a strong backbone means empowering students to stand up for themselves and others. During a recent debate in one of our classes, a student confidently voiced her opinion, even though it differed from her peers. Her bravery sparked a lively discussion, allowing everyone to explore new perspectives.

Through activities like public speaking, declamations, and debates, students practice sharing their ideas in a supportive environment. We also work with them in mindfulness sessions to understand their emotions and strengthen their inner voice. The more they know themselves, the more confident they become in speaking up when it matters.

Funny Bone: Bringing Humour to Learning

Humour is a crucial element of learning at Fazlani L’Académie Globale. We believe a good laugh can make even the most challenging lessons more enjoyable. In a recent science class, students were asked to create comic strips explaining a concept they found tricky. The result? A classroom filled with giggles as students used their imagination to explain difficult ideas in a fun and memorable way.

We actively incorporate humour into our lessons through stories, jokes, and creative activities like skits and funny writing assignments. Humour helps students build resilience it shows them that it’s okay to laugh at their mistakes and move forward with a positive attitude.

A Holistic Approach to Learning

At Fazlani L’Académie Globale, we’re committed to helping students grow in every aspect of their lives. Whether it’s through cultivating a growth mindset, encouraging them to speak their minds, or showing them how to laugh in the face of challenges, we strive to raise individuals who are not just academically sound but also confident, empathetic, and joyful.

A little laughter along the way makes the journey so much more enjoyable!
